Secret notes

Here are my notes from “the secret”:
A book with large claims and no evidence beyond potential coincidence. The question is, if it is so easy then why isn’t everyone walking around in “the zone” of high-performance achievement?

What do you really want? Sit down and write it out on a

piece of paper. Write it in the present tense. You might begin

by writing, “I am so happy and grateful now that…” And

then explain how you want your life to be, in every area.

You get to choose what you want, but you must get clear about

what you want. This is your work. If you’re not clear, then the law

of attraction cannot bring you what you want. You will be sending

out a mixed frequency and you can only attract mixed results. For

the first time in your life perhaps, work out what it is you really

want. Now that you know you can have, be, or do anything, and

there are no limits, what do you want?

Dear Maker:
Please allow everyone to have abundance, and if that is not to be, then to reallocate monies from scammers, hucksters, and self-appointed gurus who offer no or little societal benefit compared to their claims, to the needy like the homeless, especially homeless veterans. This way, when funding is taken away from those who claim to know “the secret” or some such thing, they can rebuild their abundance by asking the universe to fulfill it while those without those skills still receive tangible benefit.

Just throwing a list out there of people who have received some publicity – people who many do not seem to like due to their business practices:

Dr. Oz
Tony Robbins
Dr. Phil (a lawyer, not a doctor)
Jack Canfield
Robert Kiyosuckie
Kevin Trudeau
Joe Vitale (not a doctor, right?)
and the secret bunch, etc.

Asking is the first step in the Creative Process, so make it a habit to

ask. If you have to make a choice and you don’t know which way

to go, ask! You should never be stumped on anything in your life.

Just ask!

Dear Maker:
Please give all the vulnerable people their common sense back, and if that is not to be, then to reallocate common sense from those who would profit with offerings of thin value and diverting it to those who are most in need in their daily lives to make better decisions.

You must believe that you have received. You must know that what

you want is yours the moment you ask. You must have complete

and utter faith. If you had placed an order from a catalogue you

would relax/ know you are going to receive what you ordered, and

get on with your life.

Dear Maker:
And I would like an abundance of healthy fries with that.

You must act, speak, and think, as though you are receiving it now.

Why? The Universe is a mirror, and the law of attraction is mir-

roring back to you your dominant thoughts. So doesn’t it make

sense that you have to see yourself as receiving it? If your thoughts

contain noticing you do not have it yet, you will continue to at-

tract not having it yet. You must believe you have it already. You

must believe you have received it. You have to emit the feeling

frequency of having received it, to bring those pictures back as

your life. When you do that, the law of attraction will powerfully

move all circumstances, people, and events, for you to receive.

Dear Maker:
This power is so great that you are giving me that I also want to use it to clean up the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

The Genie is responding to your predominant thoughts

all the time, not just in the moment you ask. That’s why after

you’ve asked, you must continue to believe and know. Have faith.

Your belief that you have it, that undying faith, is your greatest


Dear Maker:
And please crash the stock market so that the next generation can afford to invest if they choose to do so and have adequate savings for retirement.

Ask once, believe you have received, and all you have to do to

receive is feel good.

Dear Maker:
Asking feels good.

“I am receiving now. I am receiving all the good in my life, now, I am receiving

[fill in your desire] now.” And feel it. Feel it as though you have


Dear Maker:
I am receiving now – the money is flying around and I am receiving all the good in life. I cherish this existence and want the disadvantaged to experience it ten times over.

the law of

attraction, is just figuring out what will help you generate

the feelings of having it now. Go test drive that car. Go shop

for that home. Get in the house. Do whatever you have to do

to generate the feelings of having it now, and remember them.

Whatever you can do to achieve that will help you to literally

attract it.

When you feel as though you have it now, and the feeling is so real

that it is like you have it already, you are believing that you have

received/ and you will receive.

Dear Maker:
Some people at Enron, Tyco, Global Crossing, and Worldcom have already experienced receiving. Bernie Madoff only got it half right, he stole from the rich and gave to himself. Please let the next Bernie Madoff offer great societal benefit for the disadvantaged.

The Universe likes speed. Don’t delay. Don’t second guess.
when the intuitive nudge from within is there, act.

That’s your job. And that’s all you have to do.

Dear Maker:
I am Speedy.

You will attract everything that you require. If it’s money you

need you will attract it. If it’s people you need you’ll attract

it. If it’s a certain book you need you’ll attract it. You’ve got

to pay attention to what you’re attracted to, because as you

hold images of what you want, you’re going to be attracted to

things and they’re going to be attracted to you.

Dear Maker:
Yes, the largest coil, to make the strongest magnet.

you are a magnet, attracting everything to you.

When you have gotten clear in your mind about what you want

you have become a magnet to draw those things to you, and those

things you want are magnetized to you in return. The more you

practice and begin to see the law of attraction bringing things to

you, the greater the magnet you will become, because you will add

the power of faith, belief, and knowing.

Dear Maker:
I am practicing toward progress.

Time is just an illusion.

It takes no time for the Universe to manifest what you want. Any

time delay you experience is due to your delay in getting to the

place of believing, knowing, and feeling that you already have it. It

is you getting yourself on the frequency of what you want When

you are on that frequency, then what you want will appear.

Make it a daily habit to determine every event in your life in advance,

through your thoughts. Set the Universal forces ahead of you in every-

thing you do and everywhere you go, by thinking the way you want

it to go in advance. Then you are creating your life intentionally.

So it showed up, because the law of attraction is always

being obedient to your thoughts. Do yourself a favor―

expect a check!

Dear Maker:

Please turn the invoices of the needy into magic checks so that they can pay their mortgages and keep their homes and be able to afford a quality education for themselves and their offspring.

“Desire connects you with the thing

desired and expectation draws it into your life.” Expect the things

you want and don’t expect the things you don’t want.

“The Pruning Shears of Revision.”
Neville recommends at the end of every

day, before you go to sleep, to think through the events of the

day. If any events or moments did not go the way you wanted,

replay them in your mind in a way that thrills you. As you re-

create those events in your mind exactly as you want, you are

cleaning up your frequency from the day and you are emitting a

new signal and frequency for tomorrow. You have intentionally

created new pictures for your future. It is never too late to change

the pictures.

I am powerfully creating my day and all that it will

contain. I am setting my frequency for the day and intentionally

declaring the way I want my day to go,

I am so

happy and grateful now that…” (and you fill in the rest).

In Charles Haanel’s book, The Master

Key System, written in 1912, he gives twenty-four weekly exercises

to master visualization. (More important, his complete Master Key

System will also help you become the master of your thoughts.)

The reason visualization is so powerful is because as you create

pictures in your mind of seeing yourself with what it is you want,

you are generating thoughts and feelings of having it now. Visu-

alization is simply powerfully focused thought in pictures, and it

causes equally powerful feelings. When you are visualizing, you

are emitting that powerful frequency out into the Universe. The

law of attraction will take hold of that powerful signal and return

those pictures back to you, just as you saw them in your mind.

This is such a holographic experience―so real in this

moment―that you don’t even feel as if you need the car,

because it feels like you have it already.

As you see the picture in your mind

and feel it, you are bringing yourself to a place of believing you

have it now. You are also implementing trust and faith in the Uni-

verse, because you are focusing on the end result and experiencing

the feeling of that, without giving any attention whatsoever to

“how” it will come about. Your picture in your mind is seeing it

as done. Your feelings are seeing it as done. Your mind and your

entire state of being are seeing it as already happened. That is the art

of visualization.

You want to feel exhilarated by this whole

if you create

a static picture in your mind it can be difficult to hold that picture,

so create lots of movement in your picture.

To illustrate this, imagine your kitchen again, and this time imag-

ine yourself entering that kitchen, walking to the refrigerator and

putting your hand on the door handle, opening the door, looking

inside, and finding a cold bottle of water. Reach in and grab it. You

can feel the coldness on your hand as you grasp the bottle. You

have the bottle of water in one hand, and you use your other hand

to close the refrigerator door. Now that you are visualizing your

kitchen with detail and movement it’s easier to see and hold the

picture, isn’t it?

You can let your imagination go wild with a Vision Board, and

place pictures of all the things you want, and pictures of how you

want your life to be.

Decide what you want. Believe you can have it. Believe you

deserve it and believe it’s possible for you. And then close

your eyes every day for several minutes, and visualize having

what you already want, feeling the feelings of already having

it. Come out of that and focus on what you’re grateful for

already, and really enjoy it. Then go into your day and release

it to the Universe and trust that the Universe will figure out

how to manifest it.

When I was working with Stone he said, “I want you to set a

goal that’s so big that if you achieved it, it would blow your

mind, and you would knew it’s only because of what I’ve

taught you that you would have achieved this goal” At the

time I was making about eight thousand dollars a year, so I

said, “I want to make a hundred thousand dollars in a year.”

Now, I had no idea how I could do that. I saw no strategy,

no possibility, but I just said, “I’m going to declare that, I’m

going to believe it, I’m going to act as if it’s true, and release

it” So I did that.

when you have an

inspired thought, you have to trust it and act on it.

You must focus on the abundance of money to bring that to you.

You have to emit a new signal with your thoughts, and those

thoughts should be that you currently have more than enough. You

really do need to call your imagination into play and make believe

you already have the money you want. And it is so much fun to do!

You will notice as you pretend and play games of having wealth

that you feel instantly better about money, and as you feel better

about it, it will begin to flow into your life.

My image:
A roaring river of money flowing into a room…
A roaring fountain of money spurting copiously…
A roaring waterfall of money…


the money you require exists right now in the invisible.

I want to let you in on a secret to The Secret. The shortcut to any-

thing you want in your life is to BE and FEEL happy now! It is the

fastest way to bring money and anything else you want into your

life. Focus on radiating out into the Universe those feelings of joy

and happiness. When you do that, you will attract back to you all

things that bring you joy and happiness, which will not only in-

clude an abundance of money, but everything else you are want-

ing. You must radiate out the signal to bring back what you want.

As you radiate out those feelings of happiness, they will be sent

back to you as the pictures and experiences of your life. The law of

attraction is reflecting back your innermost thoughts and feelings

as your life.

Dear Maker:

Please transfer happiness and luck from the self-serving gurus to the gullible and disadvantaged. 

Your job is to declare what

you would like to have from the catalogue of the Universe. If

cash is one of them, say how much you would like to have. “I

would like to have twenty-five thousand dollars, unexpected

income, within the next thirty days,” or whatever it happens

to be. It should be believable for you.

Most people have a goal of getting out of debt. That will keep

you in debt forever.
Set up an automatic debt repayment program and then

start to focus on prosperity.

Dear Maker:

Please provide a bailout to the disadvantaged so that they can receive prosperity.

focus on prosperity despite the bills around you. You have to

find a way of feeling good, so you can bring your good to you.

“I can afford that! I can buy

that!” Say it over and over. Become like a parrot. For the next

The Secret to Money 103

thirty days, make it your intention that you are going to look at

everything you like and say to yourself, “I can afford that. I can

buy that.” As you see your dream car drive past, say, “I can af-

ford that.” As you see clothes you love, as you think about a great

vacation, say, “I can afford that.” As you do this you will begin to

shift yourself and you will begin to feel better about money. You

will begin to convince yourself that you can afford those things,

and as you do, the pictures of your life will change.

“How do I turn this

around?” The law of attraction states that what you focus

on you will get, so I got a bank statement, I whited out the

total, and I put a new total in there. I put exactly how much

I wanted to see in the bank. So I thought, “What if I just

visualized checks coming in the mail?” So I just visualized a

bunch of checks coming in the mail
Within just one month,

things started to change.
(no details)

pretend that the bills were actually checks. I would

jump for joy as I opened them and say, “More money for me!

Thank you. Thank you.” I took each bill, imagined it was a check,

and then I added a zero to it in my mind to make it even more. I

got a notepad and wrote at the top of the page “I have received,”

and then I would list all the amounts of the bills with an added

zero. Next to each amount I would write “Thank you,” and feel

the feelings of gratitude for receiving it―to the point where I had

tears in my eyes. Then I would take each bill, which looked very

small compared to what I had received, and I would pay it with


I never opened my bills until I had got myself into the feeling

that they were checks,

There are so many

games you can create, and you will know what works best for

you by the way you feel inside. When you make-believe, the

results come fast!

“Money comes easily and

You have got to stop the cycle, and you stop it by starting to

feel good about money, and being grateful for what you have. Start

to say and feet, “I have more than enough.” “There is an abundance

of money and it’s on its way to me.” “I am a money magnet.” “I

love money and money loves me.” “I am receiving money every

day.” “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you/’

Giving is a powerful action to bring more money into your life,

because when you are giving you are saying, “I have plenty.”

Life is meant to be abundant―in all areas.

Money summary:

To attract money, focus on wealth. It is impossible to bring more

money into your life when you focus on the lack of it.

• It is helpful to use your imagination and make-believe you already

have the money you want. Play games of having wealth and you

will feel better about money; as you feel better about it, more will

flow into your life.

• Feeling happy now is the fastest way to bring money into your life.

• Make it your intention to look at everything you like and say to

yourself, “I can afford that. I can buy that.” You will shift your

thinking and begin to feel better about money.

• Give money in order to bring more of it into your life. When you are

generous with money and feel good about sharing it, you are saying,

“I have plenty.”

• Visualize checks in the mail.

• Tip the balance of your thoughts to wealth. Think wealth.

When you want to attract a relationship, make sure your thoughts,

words, actions, and surroundings don’t contradict your desires.

• Your job is you. Unless you fill yourself up first, you have nothing to

give anybody.

• Treat yourself with love and respect, and you will attract people who

show you love and respect.

• When you feel bad about yourself, you block the love and instead you

attract more people and situations that will continue to make you

feel bad about you.

• Focus on the qualities you love about yourself and the law of attra-

tion will show you more great things about you.

• To make a relationship work, focus on what you appreciate about

the other person, and not your complaints. When you focus on the

strengths, you will get more of them.

know that your body is only months old, no
matter how many birthdays you have

age, and in reality there is no such thing.

You can think your way to the perfect state of health, the perfect

body, the perfect weight, and eternal youth. You can bring it into

being, through your consistent thinking of perfection.

If you are feel-132 The Secret

ing a little unwell, don’t talk about it―unless you want more of it.

Know that your thought was responsible and repeat as often as you

can, “I feel wonderful. I feel so good,” and really feel it. If you are

not feeling great and somebody asks you how you are feeling, just

be grateful that that person has reminded you to think thoughts of

feeling well. Speak only the words of what you want.

Just the simple proc-

ess of letting go of negative thoughts will allow your natural state

of health to emerge within you. And your body will heal itself.

I immediately imagined myself seeing

as clearly as when I was twenty-one years old. I saw myself in dark

restaurants, on planes, and at my computer, reading clearly and

effortlessly And I said over and over, “I can see clearly, I can see

clearly.” I felt the feelings of gratitude and excitement for having

clear vision. In three days my eyesight had been restored,
(no note from his doctor?)

So if you have attracted some affliction or debt to you,

reduce it in your mind to the size of a pebble, let go of all negative

thoughts, and then focus on the perfection of financial health.

“curable from within.”

I could not afford to allow anything                                            The Secret to Health 137

to come into my mind that would distract me from my goal or

from my vision.

For people who are sitting out there right now and are hurting, if I

wanted to sum up my life and sum up for people what they can do in

life, I would sum it up in six words: “Man becomes what he thinks


The placebo effect is an example of the law of attraction in action.

When a patient truly believes the tablet is a cure, he receives what

he believes and is cured.

“Focusing on perfect health ” is something we can all do within our-

selves, despite what may be happening on the outside.

Laughter attracts joy, releases negativity, and leads to miraculous


Disease is held in the body by thought, by observation of the illness,

and by the attention given to the illness. If you are feeling a little

unwell, don’t talk about it ―unless you want more of it. If you lis-

ten to people talk about their illness, you add energy to their illness.

Instead, change the conversation to good things, and give powerful

thoughts to seeing those people in health.

Beliefs about aging are all in our minds, so release those thoughts

from your consciousness. Focus on health and eternal youth.

Do not listen to society’s messages about diseases and aging. Nega-

tive messages do not serve you.

“What you resist persists.”

page 142
The anti-war movement creates more war. The anti-drug

movement has actually created more drugs. Because we’re

focusing on what we don’t want―drugs!

The bigger things
get bigger because more people give their thoughts to it after it has

appeared. Then those thoughts and emotions keep that very event

in our existence, and make it bigger.

I am so impressed with the potential you see in me. – michael scott

You cannot help the world by focusing on the negative things. As

you focus on the negative events of the world, you not only add to

them, but you bring more negative things into your own life at the

same time.

When the pictures have appeared of something you do not want,

it is your cue to change your thinking and emit a new signal. If it

is a world situation, you are not powerless. You have all the power.

Focus on everybody being in joy. Focus on abundance of food. Give

your powerful thoughts to what is wanted. You have the ability to

give so much to the world by emitting feelings of love and well-

being, despite what is happening around you.

We buy more newspapers

when a huge drama is the headline. The news channels’ ratings

skyrocket when there is a national or international disaster. So the

newspapers and news services give us more bad news because, as

a society, that’s what we are saying we want. The media is effect,

and we are cause. It is just the law of attraction in action!

Your mind is

the creative power of all things. So how can there be any lack? It’s

impossible. Your ability to think is unlimited, and so the things you

can think into existence are unlimited. And so it is with everyone.

When you truly know this, you are thinking from a mind that is

aware of its own infinite nature.

“The essence of this law is that you must think

abundance; see abundance, feel abundance,

believe abundance. Let no thought of limitation

enter your mind.”

Nothing is limited―not resources or anything else. It is only

limited in the human mind. When we open our minds to the un-

limited creative power, we will call forth abundance and see and

experience a whole new world.

The Universe offers all things to all people through the law of

attraction. You have the ability to choose what you want to ex-

perience. Do you want there to be enough for you and for eve-

ryone? Then choose that and know, “There is abundance of all

things.” “There is an unlimited supply.” “There is so much mag-

nificence.” Each of us has the ability to tap into that unlimited

invisible supply through our thoughts and feelings, and bring it

The Secret to the World 151

into our experience. So choose for You, because you’re the only

one who can.

Praising and blessing dissolves all negativity, so praise and bless

your enemies.
If you praise and bless them you will dissolve all neg-

ativity and discord, and the love of the praising and blessings will

return to you. As you praise and bless, you will feel yourself shift

into a new frequency with the feedback of good feelings.

What you resist, you attract, because you are powerfully focused

on it with emotion. To change anything, go within and emit a new

signal with your thoughts and feelings.

• You cannot help the world by focusing on the negative things. As

you focus on the world’s negative events, you not only add to them,

but you also bring more negative things into your own life.

• Instead of focusing on the world’s problems, give your attention and

energy to trust, love, abundance, education, and peace.

• We will never run out of good things because there’s more than

enough to go around for everyone. Life is meant to be abundant.

• You have the ability to tap into the unlimited supply through your

thoughts and feelings and bring it into your experience.

• Praise and bless everything in the world, and you will dissolve

negativity and discord and align yourself with the highest fre-


I never studied science or physics at school, and yet when I read

complex books on quantum physics I understood them perfectly

because I wanted to understand them.

All the things you want are made of energy, and they are vi-

brating too. Everything is energy.

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