Archive for May, 2008

Zero to Zillionaire? (Part 2)

Thursday, May 29th, 2008

It starts now. Don’t wait to live a passionate life… the timing is never perfect and if you wait to have everything lined up neatly, you just won’t get started. Life is composed of sleeping, working, avoiding work, eating, intercourse, and waiting on lines/searching for a parking spot. That’s about it for most of us. The best days give us that feeling that we can do anything. And maybe you find that in your work or in relaxing, but I have to conclude that most people are not working on something that they are committed to because they believe in it and love it. Well then, are you working on something that will lead toward or prepare you for the work you were meant to be doing? Each of us is limited to 168 hours per week. How we allocate that time determines the kind of life we lead. And if your focus is on the financial part of your existence, those hours can be dedicated to doing what makes money now, putting effort into what makes money in the near-term, and doing what makes money later. Time is the ultimate equalizer; each of us is only allocated 24 hours in a day. Well, plans fail, conditions change, interruptions occur, so the way to survive is to have each of these efforts in place to pay off when the economic situation shifts to less favorable results. I met a guy at a trade fair that didn’t seem to have much traffic at his custom printing booth so we had time to talk. He commented that he’ll keep moving forward, the early 1990s didn’t look good as shifts were occurring in his industry but within a few years there was a resurgence so the only thing that mattered in his view was to keep going forward somehow in those rough times, because any business operator that didn’t is now out of that business and missed the lucrative buildup. His laid back demeanor is a good lead-in to one last thought; ease up on the path to bliss. We might think about and seek enlightenment as some form of perpetual bliss, but life itself is composed of us, and so, it will never be flawless.

Zero to Zillionaire?

Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

The first step, and this is a biggie, is to stop doing all the things that contribute to that false sense of self because if you change your thoughts you change your future. The way we live tends to be more like some low-budget horror film rather than us scripting a blockbuster life. We are immersed in our habits of thought and habits of behavior that result in… the same old results. We’re transmitting our thought patterns by wearing our thinking the way we wear our clothes. Gurus will tell you to act joyful and successful and that affirmations lead to success… well, maybe for some people it kind of works because it interrupts the negative thought process but it isn’t a formula to an extended state of awareness. Awareness will cut through a lot of false starts and misguided thinking. If we can remain aware in the moment we can get a sense of liberation because our thoughts almost always seem to hold us back.

Choose the goals that make you… rich? So-called success experts love to talk about goals… goals don’t motivate unless they are somehow anchored to your core, that place where you emotionally live. It doesn’t matter what you’re aiming at, if mother nature has the wind against you, your arrow is going to have a tough time making the target. You are the star of your own movie, and characters in movies have jobs so if there’s anything to focus on, it’s creating an enjoyable life while creating a living. Life is unscripted, so all kinds of good and not so good situations can arise at any particular time. If your whole life was scripted and you knew in advance what would occur, it would probably be even more boring. So when you tell the story of your life, it will only be as interesting as how you go about it.

Next in the guru handbook is to say we must make the effort on our goals to bring home the zillions. It’s too limiting to be chained to goals; the marketplace determines the ultimate value, not your goals. If the focus is on sending out our ideas into the marketplace I think it’s a better fit. What you get back may not be in line with your goals, but then again, it might be the wisdom of the marketplace whispering something valuable to you. There are a lot of people that talk about going into business for themselves but they forget one key element, if you are in business for yourself, you have a sales job.

Then we get to the feel good stuff where the answer to getting ahead is to constantly be around people who make you rich and happy. I think the point is missed, isn’t this simply, go where the money is? If you are hanging around people that have millions of dollars at their disposal it stands to reason, even if they are not pleasant, that if they can direct you to obtain some lucrative business, that is the key to you getting worthwhile business through their network of contacts. People want attention, they crave it, and any attention to most people is better than none.

Keeping score, all these so-called experts bring up having a budget. Some people are accustomed to spending their money, not counting it. So, I won’t disagree when the gurus preach that spending money is a habit and that your debt is only a reflection of your habit and misguided thinking. Almost everything is a habit. Thought habits are everywhere. We do a lot of things simply because we are used to doing them. Often there is no analysis. There are excuses and rationalizations, but generally nothing relying on logical choices. But at the same time, we don’t want to think about every little thing, that’s why we have habits, and if habits can harm you, habits can serve you.

Start late, finish rich?

Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

So-called experts can write or talk as much as they want but their words do not change people’s lives for the better. Words don’t leap off the page well enough and wrap around us in order to apply the pressure we need… to meaningfully engage us and move us consistently in a better direction. Judging by the number of personal finance related books released into the market it appears that people have an affinity for a solution but they’re stuck with books that promise quick and easy riches and then these books rarely deliver on anything more than common sense. If you wake up each day and rethink 90% of what you thought yesterday you’re suffering in a semi-permanent anxiety unless those thoughts were some of the happiest you’ve had or contributed to a sense of contentment. Thinking rarely helps, people seek happiness but when have they thought themselves into happiness? If you think that 90% of your problems can be solved with money then you’re not fully aware or thinking in broad terms. Everybody thinks they have problems, the person with $10 in their bank account and the person with $10 million – they just have different problems. A perceived lack of anything can make a person feel miserable. Gurus love to preach that becoming rich is a matter of deciding to be rich and acting on it. Not so. Deciding on it and acting on it is nothing more than a symbol of your thinking… and your thinking may be rather limited. You have to tap into the market, meaning that you simply have to understand transactions, your net profit times the number of transactions will tell the story of your wealth, or you have to get one person to pay you seven figures.

Secret sellers?

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

I received an email offering a free conference call about “Secret Sellers” along with a quote from some guru like, “Entrepreneurs must not be deterred by the fear of making a mistake.” This email went on about how some man and lady were going to show me a “no-doubt-about-it” goldmine of untapped motivated sellers… handpicked leads delivered right to my computer! There are plenty of desperate real estate sellers now… the ad never delivered on the “secret sellers” and how am I going to make my real estate fortune, by taking advantage of the misfortune of others? That’s the game… but, even if it wasn’t, these real estate hucksters are annoying… can they show me, step-by-step, what deals they did? I need a good laugh… I want to hear about any real estate gurus that completely messed up.

Six things that determine a woman’s looks as she ages

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

In 2001 I recall seeing a TV program that had shown three profiles of women. One of the ladies was a 27 year old working for Runners World magazine. She had run five marathons in the last year and half at the time and she always wore sunscreen. One lady had no steady activity and the other lady had moderate activity on a daily basis regarding physical fitness. I guessed that the runner would be the one that held up the best over time… but I was wrong… the program claimed the lady with the moderate exercise routine would fare best over time. Here were the tips presented for what determines a more youthful appearance as we age. 

A woman’s diet (eat fish).

Too little sleep.

50 minutes of cardiovascular activity daily.

Use sunscreen.

Take vitamins everyday (C and E).

8 glasses of water a day.

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If John Edwards had stayed in

Monday, May 19th, 2008

I had a discussion with a fellow from DC who said, “Is John Edwards kicking himself?” He claimed if John Edwards didn’t drop out he might be seen as the most reasonable candidate for the Presidential office. If he had stayed in perhaps people would have eventually gravitated to him as the best candidate to face and overcome McCain.


Or not, since his personal actions outside of politics became a negative focal point.

When women speak (part 2 of 8)

Friday, May 16th, 2008

Optimal communication requires your full attention along with a generous and good-natured spirit that conveys a child-like optimism. Guys, you have to realize the difference, if a woman discusses her problems as a way to share her feelings then she’s not looking for solutions (if you can see the answer to the problem, she can, too). Female communication can act as a method to express feelings and create bonding. The result achieved is not problem solving but of sharing experiences. When it’s your turn to share she’ll answer her phone or check her email on her phone. It may not be fair but she can modify the communication flow at any time. If she is feeling uneasy or depressed, you will be expected to cheer her up but don’t expect anything you do will alter her mood. So fellas, listen to her by hearing her out completely, and respond because thinking in silence is not something women relate to as a form of intimacy.

When women speak (part 1 of 8)

Thursday, May 15th, 2008

Women may use communication to engage in an emotional connection or bond so the nature of their communication speaks from the heart but men may view communication as a tool or framework to achieve a result like solving a problem. So fellas, shut up and listen to your gal… don’t needlessly offer advice, be committed to being in the moment with her by sharing the moment.

Women are the masters, men are the accessories

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Women start businesses at around twice the rate of men. Single women are buying houses at twice the rate of single men. Women are helping other women advance in corporations. Perhaps when there weren’t as many women employed in influential positions there wasn’t enough traction, but now, women are running things. And if it continues, as it should, women will soon own most of the wealth (they already control almost all the consumer spending and control some business spending). Women are in touch with the pulse of business, so men, you no longer matter in the way that you used to matter as consumers… you go with other things as an accessory, and can act as an accessory to women moving through their ambitions.

A hundred thousand advice books but very little useful information

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

It seems like that sometimes, doesn’t it? All these books by gurus, all this supposedly important collective knowledge and it seems we should all be better off… but it gets harder to find information that really matters. Everything is a sales pitch… but I know something inherently valuable… nobody knows the exact answers. They simply do not know what you think they know… they’ve just figured out that you’ll pay for what you believe they know. These so-called experts and gurus are lining people up to worship their religion… and charging admission for worship. Salvation is free; it’s the freedom to live as you please without devoting time to sales pitches from authors and speakers.

Sales pitch: Did you like my book? Then you’ll love my seminar!

Response: No, you’re a freaking jerk.


Response: Your books are fluff. Maybe two or three pages are useful.