Archive for the ‘skin and beauty’ Category

Bloat and beauty

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

Calcium carbonate relieves water retention. The high levels of potassium in asparagus have the same kind of effect. Avoiding eating quickly which can contribute to swallowing air with your food.Monochromatic – dressing in a single color is slimming, and when it matches your hair color it can maximize the effect.

Narrow neckline – V-neck draws attention away from problem areas and creates a slender effect.

For tighter skin, dip a cloth in tepid coffee; apply to your face for ten minutes.

 Source: 8/3/09 Woman’s World, pg 19.

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Your deodorant matters

Sunday, November 30th, 2008

One moment of unsolicited advice from a doctor: Do not use deodorant products with aluminum, and the doctor claimed all brands use aluminum, except some have offered one natural deodorant product to satisfy the market. The doctor reminds us that our skin is the largest organ and he couldn’t see any benefit to having it absorb aluminum.

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Natural acne reduction

Friday, July 18th, 2008

Want a natural approach to reducing acne? Eat more tomatoes. The high levels of lycopene can cut prostate inflammation, say Swiss researchers, according to Men’s Health magazine, pg. 36, May 2008.

Keep your face young

Thursday, July 17th, 2008

Creatine can reduce the appearance of fine lines. The combination of topical creatine and folic acid protects skin from UV stimulated DNA damage, increases the firmness of skin, reduces wrinkle volume, and regenerates the skin, according to a study in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. Look for a cream that contains both ingredients. This appeared in Best Life magazine, pg. 54, May 2008. Also noted on the same page was to protect your skin from UV damage with products that contain green tea. The studies weren’t cited but it was claimed that studies have shown compounds in green tea, including flavonoid EGCG, make it a powerful antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent, so it inhibits UV damage and photo aging.

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Six things that determine a woman’s looks as she ages

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

In 2001 I recall seeing a TV program that had shown three profiles of women. One of the ladies was a 27 year old working for Runners World magazine. She had run five marathons in the last year and half at the time and she always wore sunscreen. One lady had no steady activity and the other lady had moderate activity on a daily basis regarding physical fitness. I guessed that the runner would be the one that held up the best over time… but I was wrong… the program claimed the lady with the moderate exercise routine would fare best over time. Here were the tips presented for what determines a more youthful appearance as we age. 

A woman’s diet (eat fish).

Too little sleep.

50 minutes of cardiovascular activity daily.

Use sunscreen.

Take vitamins everyday (C and E).

8 glasses of water a day.

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